CLC: Justice is long overdue for Black workers

March 21, 2023

The impacts of anti-Black racism are far reaching and have caused significant barriers to economic advancement and empowerment, as well as ongoing labour market discrimination. This has resulted in Black workers earning lower wages and facing obstacles in all aspects of work; from the initial hiring process, to advancement and promotion and retention.

“Anti-Black racism and discrimination are deeply embedded in our Canadian institutions, policies, workplaces and society. The social and economic consequences of this have been dire for Black people, resulting in a multigenerational wage gap for members of Black communities in Canada. This is an injustice that must be set right,” said Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).

As demonstrated by the current Black Class Action lawsuit filed on behalf of Black federal employees in Canada, Black workers in the federal public service have not been immune to these struggles.

“The CLC stands in solidarity with Black workers and against all forms of racial discrimination. We support Black workers pursuing equity, equality, and full, fair participation in the labour market. We strongly urge the federal government to uphold the human rights of its workers and redress the injustices faced by Black federal public service employees,” said Larry Rousseau, Executive Vice-President of the CLC. Canada’s unions support the legal action taken against the Government of Canada on behalf of Black federal public service workers, past and present, who have experienced discrimination via discriminatory hiring and promotion practices.

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